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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Eye Care Associates of Manhattan, P.A. the leading provider of vision care products and services in Manhattan.

Matthew T. Stanley, O.D.

Dr. Stanley was born and raised in Dodge City, Kansas. After graduating from Kansas State University he went on to The University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry to complete his doctoral training. His areas of interest include diagnosis and treatment of disease, difficult contact lens fittings, dry eye treatment, and family vision care.

Dr. Stanley is excited to be back home in Kansas and living in Wildcat country. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife and three children, attending K-State sporting events, rooting for the Super Bowl LIV Champion Kansas City Chiefs, golfing and sampling the cuisine at different restaurants around town. He is a member of the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, the Kansas Optometric Association, and the American Optometric Association.

Darcy D. Stanley, O.D.

Dr. Darcy (as she prefers to be called) is originally from Great Bend, Kansas. After completing her undergraduate work at Fort Hays State University, she attended The University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry, where she and Dr. Matt Stanley met. Her specialties include infant and pediatric vision care, contact lenses, and primary care optometry.

Dr. Darcy enjoys being a mother to her three beautiful children, cooking, reading, K-State basketball, and spending time with Jasper, the family mini Goldendoodle!  She is also a member of the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce, the Kansas Optometric Association, and the American Optometric Association.

Genare C. Woofter, O.D.

Dr. Woofter grew up in Cimarron, Kansas before moving to Manhattan to attend Kansas State University. During his undergraduate studies he worked as an optometric technician at Eye Care Associates of Manhattan. He then completed his doctoral training at the University of Missouri-St. Louis College of Optometry. Areas of interest include diagnosis and management of ocular disease, contact lens fitting, and low vision rehabilitation.

Dr. Woofter and his wife Cassie frequently attend K-State sporting events or enjoy watching from an area restaurant. He usually spends his free time golfing, going to the lake, or experimenting with new recipes on the grill. He is a member of the Kansas Optometric Association, and the American Optometric Association.